From Day One I had intended on maintaining a blog to inform the membership and golfing public of our direction and provide a detailed account of the "restoration" process at Champions Club at the Retreat. The blog that I authored at Arrowhead Country Club in San Bernardino, as Superintendent, was well received by the membership and within the Golf Industry. It has been eight months of dedication, long hours, sweat, stress, and re-organization to get to this point. With the "winter season" about to set in and the modified overseed established I finally have the time and energy to maintain this site. I have a lot of chronicling and posting to do, so let the barrage begin.
Greenway Golf was hired by the ownership in March to put an end to the decline in turfgrass conditions, re-establish the Bermudagrass to the prominent turfgrass in the fairways, and prevent further deterioration of the Poa annua/Bentgrass greens. The contract begin in Mid-March 2012 and it happen to coincide with the inhabitation of the new maintenance facility. Amongst trying to get a grasp of the routing of the course, course infrastructure, inventory, hiring employees, updating compliance, and training employees we had the task of organizing a new building. The blank canvas of a new maintenance building is the envy of many within the business as most maintenance facilities could use major restorations and updating.
Here is a glimpse of what we walked into:
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